PJ's Protein Velvet Ice Included in Ochsner Guide to Healthy Eating at French Quarter, CBD restaurants
Apr 5th, 2017

While the fest offers gluten-free or vegan options, if you're trying to keep things in check nutritionally, we have year-round options for you at Eat Fit NOLA-approved restaurants serve local fare that's both delicious and nutritious.
Eat Fit NOLA is a nonprofit initiative of Ochsner Health System that I started in 2013. The Ochsner Eat Fit team works with local restaurants to develop and identify menu items that meet specific nutritional criteria, including no white carbs, less than a teaspoon of added sugar, low animal-based saturated fats, and reduced sodium.There is no charge for the restaurants to be a part of Eat Fit NOLA; all nutritional analysis is done for free by the Ochsner Eat Fit nutrition team.
Here's to PJ's!
PJs Coffee | 501 Decatur St. | 504.207.4100Eat Fit Protein Velvet Ice - Veg, GF
PJ's cold drip iced coffee concentrate and EAS whey protein team up for a low sugar frozen blended coffee drink with 21 grams of protein in a medium 16-ounce serving. Available in Chocolate or Vanilla.